On this page I talk about making changes for my pets

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Pets want to be well too

Joan with Eppi and SuziIt took me a couple years after taking the responsibility of my health out of the hands of the medical profession before I realized I needed to do the same for my pets. And in fact it took putting my Yorkie, Suzi, into the grave to realize it. (Suzi is the Yorkie on the right in the picture.) I was too late to help her. What is especially sad to me is that her demise was a direct result of my obedience to get yearly vaccinations.

On another page I share with you the story of Eppi, Suzi’s daughter (Yorkie on the left). When she began to go into heart failure, I rejected main stream medications and used alternative human supplements instead. The results befogged the veterinarians who had previously been upset that I refused their drugs, believing Eppi would die within months. When she left me it was because of old age, not due to heart failure. And she was drug free to the end.

Read Eppi’s Story on how she lived longer due to an alternative approach to her health care.

Since it holds true for animals as it does humans—we are today what we ate yesterday—it is probable Eppi would have lived longer than her 16.5 years if I had understood what it was I was actually feeding my dogs by purchasing “normal” dog food from the grocery store. Even some veterinarians are beginning to concede that processed pet food is the main cause of disease and premature death in our pets.

Without going into the awful details on this site, consider that when we open a can of name brand dog food or a bag of fresh kibble, we are giving them chemical preservatives, food coloring, and animal by-products—body parts like lungs, beaks, necks, and heads—as well as animals rejected for human consumption. It is painful when I think about the harm I unknowingly caused my wonderful pets, simply because I did not know any better.

LuLu and Gracie MaeThe only time and place Gracie Mae will eat any kibble is in the bathroom at night when I am getting ready for bed. She expects a handful of kibble and a bit of Risotriene® before bedtime. Gracie Mae is extremely finicky when it comes to kibble. She and LuLu, my mother’s Morkie, have never eaten the commercial dog food found in the local grocery stores. I have found high quality, human grade and organic kibble over the internet, and have found three brands that she will eat.

The Risotriene® is a human whole food supplement—stabilized rice bran—which is chock full of vitamins and antioxidants. The Risotriene® is a powder, which some folks mix in liquid, but the three of us like to throw it in our mouths and chew it. Well, okay, I throw it in my mouth... they lick it off their dishes... and THEN they chew it. They drink home distilled water with minerals added back into the water.

For supper, the girls get a homemade meal. A typical supper is boiled chicken (fat, skin and bones removed), lightly boiled green cabbage, raw cucumber, tomato and red bell pepper, alfalfa sprouts, and a bit of rice, potatoes or noodles.

An excellent book to have in your library is Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide To Natural Health for Dogs & Cats, by Dr. Richard H. Pitcairn and Susan Hubble Pitcairn. Dr. Pitcairn explains about pet food, and gives recipes for meals that both humans and pets can eat together. The Pitcairns’ approach to healthy pets is drug-free and holistic. In their book they share homeopathic and alternative remedies and treatments.

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